Things you should know about being a computer programmer
(too old to reply)
2003-10-22 05:10:24 UTC
You will notice a ton of IT job postings just as your educational
institution claims.
(look at this newsgroup for example)

In the beginning, you will think "this is cool, lot's of opportunity" but
after sending out many resumes and having some job interviews you will
discover that:

1. 99 out of 100 times you will not get a reply. This number is optimistic.
2. You never have the right qualifications even if you take some extra
training at your own expense. (This is the qualifications game, more on
this later)
3. No company will offer any training, you must "hit the ground running".
(the experienced IT folks know this phrase)
4. Most headhunters post the same non-existent jobs over and over again.
5. The jobs you will get, you get "because you know somebody that works
6. You will be told that you're going about it the wrong way! Don't send out
resumes! Companies spend millions of dollars on job advertising because they
want to throw money away! Didn't you know that?
7. You must network, network, network (i.e. suck, suck, and suck some more)

The fact is that IT is full of deception and it starts with the educational
instition by telling you about the shortage of IT skills.

Then when you are on the job, there is more:
Owners deceive management (example, so-called investors wanting the grow the
company, meanwhile the company is not paying their electricity bill)
Management deceives project managers ("contracts" that get signed, and
projected sales)
Project managers deceive computer programmers (the proverbial "carrot": put
in more time and you will get rewarded! i.e. the PM buys you pizza)
Computer programmers deceive back (I have to admit that one has to lie a
little bit about the estimate and project status otherwise YOU are pizza! -
take-out that is)
And everyone in the organization deceives the clients (buy time, hide the
defects, add a feature they don't need so your company makes the most $$$)
2003-10-22 23:29:46 UTC
Post by motor
You will notice a ton of IT job postings just as your educational
institution claims.
What's wrong? Did you spend a ton of money getting an MCSE and now realize
no one will hire you? A couple of your points are somewhat accurate but most
of them are just the rantings of a disgruntled person.
2003-10-24 05:53:54 UTC
I am fine, thank you. I am just looking at the bigger picture although that
may not have been obvious with this particular posting. I would like to
point you to the trend of where Canada's employment picture is going, and
the IT industry is leading the way. In order to do that, all we have to do
is look south of the border. Now keep in mind that Canada's labour costs
are relatively high, but it affords us a comfortable life and a nice safety
net (although this safety net is slowly coming down). In the US,
manufacturing, IT, engineering, high-tech jobs are disappearing at a record
pace. Offshoring is a reality. The big corporate machine is increasinly
moving operations to countries such as China, Russia, India, Vietnam where
the labour pool is highly educated and cheapest. All of this is putting
enormous pressure on companies that remain in North America to compete.

For more information refer to




and let me know what you think.
Post by MadRedHatter
Post by motor
You will notice a ton of IT job postings just as your educational
institution claims.
What's wrong? Did you spend a ton of money getting an MCSE and now realize
no one will hire you? A couple of your points are somewhat accurate but most
of them are just the rantings of a disgruntled person.
2003-10-24 16:07:54 UTC
employed BLUE BLOODED Canadian. We might be first, but he certainly will be
the next.
We, at least, can go back to India, China, Russia.
Where will he go?
In USA, the same BLUE BLOOD 'outhouse royality' is begging outsourcing
companies to
give them employment in INDIA for the INDIAN WAGES without even the usual
the regular Indian employee gets (vacations, holidays trips, etc....).
And this is not only in the IT area, this is starting in each and every
area, that does not
require a warm body.
So, who is interested in destroying the Western economic structure?
Need a big picture? Read the BIBLE and find all the answers there.

Post by motor
I am fine, thank you. I am just looking at the bigger picture although that
may not have been obvious with this particular posting. I would like to
point you to the trend of where Canada's employment picture is going, and
the IT industry is leading the way. In order to do that, all we have to do
is look south of the border. Now keep in mind that Canada's labour costs
are relatively high, but it affords us a comfortable life and a nice safety
net (although this safety net is slowly coming down). In the US,
manufacturing, IT, engineering, high-tech jobs are disappearing at a record
pace. Offshoring is a reality. The big corporate machine is increasinly
moving operations to countries such as China, Russia, India, Vietnam where
the labour pool is highly educated and cheapest. All of this is putting
enormous pressure on companies that remain in North America to compete.
For more information refer to
and let me know what you think.
Post by MadRedHatter
Post by motor
You will notice a ton of IT job postings just as your educational
institution claims.
What's wrong? Did you spend a ton of money getting an MCSE and now realize
no one will hire you? A couple of your points are somewhat accurate but
Post by MadRedHatter
of them are just the rantings of a disgruntled person.
2003-10-24 23:48:38 UTC
Post by I.G
employed BLUE BLOODED Canadian. We might be first, but he certainly will be
the next.
We, at least, can go back to India, China, Russia.
Where will he go?
In USA, the same BLUE BLOOD 'outhouse royality' is begging outsourcing
companies to
give them employment in INDIA for the INDIAN WAGES without even the usual
the regular Indian employee gets (vacations, holidays trips, etc....).
And this is not only in the IT area, this is starting in each and every
area, that does not
require a warm body.
So, who is interested in destroying the Western economic structure?
Need a big picture? Read the BIBLE and find all the answers there.
You are kidding, right? Please tell me you are kidding. furrfu, what a
racist jackass.

Oh, ya. Quit top-posting.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?
