Aspiring a career in IT?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-29 05:43:26 UTC
Yes and everything is CYCLICAL. Offshoring will become passé so to speak
and jobs will return to North America because the cost of doing business
overseas will become prohibitive and too risky. That may do nothing for you
now, but all is not lost. NEVER GIVE UP.

"R. J. Dunnill" <***@the-doa.com> wrote in message news:xVN%b.634355$***@pd7tw3no...
That childish remark does nothing to change the fact that the future of the
North American IT industry is in doubt. Even Fortune 500 executives have
shown mixed feelings about the long term aggregate effects of offshoring.
Boo hoo...the sky is falling ...........the sky is falling
2004-03-01 03:15:32 UTC
Yes, these IT jobs may come back when we start bidding on IT projects at
less than 10,000/year which is the cost of the average MSc. Computer Science
in India.

There are better ways to make a living.
Post by AMB
Yes and everything is CYCLICAL. Offshoring will become passé so to speak
and jobs will return to North America because the cost of doing business
overseas will become prohibitive and too risky. That may do nothing for you
now, but all is not lost. NEVER GIVE UP.
That childish remark does nothing to change the fact that the future of the
North American IT industry is in doubt. Even Fortune 500 executives have
shown mixed feelings about the long term aggregate effects of offshoring.
Boo hoo...the sky is falling ...........the sky is falling